Tapahtumaan ollaan saatu mukaan joukko alan yrityksiä näyttelyn ja lyhyiden puheenvuorojen muodossa. Alla näet yrityksistä lyhyet esittelyt ja yritysten nettisivuille pääset suoraan klikkaamalla yrityksen logoa.
We have been able to include various companies in the field, in the form of an exhibition and short speeches in the sessions. Please get to know the participating companies underneith and note that the logos lead you directly to the company websites.


Medanets revolutionises healthcare with the best mobile app. Developed together with healthcare professionals, the app enables safe and efficient nursing workflows, supports decision-making and leaves more time for care. The Medanets app integrates with HER systems and complements their features. The app is used in more than 50 hospitals and primary care units in the Nordics.
InterSystems on globaali terveydenhuollon sovellusteknologiatoimittaja, ja yksi maailman johtavista potilastietojärjestelmätoimittajista. Kehittämiämme integraatio- ja yhteentoimivuusalustoja käyttää jo 19 suomalaista sairaanhoitopiiriä. Autamme asiakkaitamme saamaan enemmän irti datastaan ja varmistamme, että terveystieto kulkee saumattomasti eri sovelluksien välillä. InterSystems IRIS for Healthin ja InterSystems HealthSharen avulla edistämme esimerkiksi hoitopolkujen kehittämistä, terveydenhuollon arkisten asioiden automatisointia, integroidun tiedon hyödyntämistä ennakoivan terveydenhuollon tarpeisiin sekä koneoppimisen käyttöä tilanneanalyysien tukena.
InterSystems is a global provider of health care technology solutions, and one of the leading providers of patient information systems in the world. Our integration and interoperability platforms are already being used by 19 health care districts in Finland. We help our clients to get more out of their data and make sure that health data flows seamlessly between applications. With InterSystems IRIS for Health and InterSystems HealthShare, we advance e.g. the development of care pathways, the automation of every day health care tasks. We support our clients with using integrated data for the needs of preventative health care, and making situational analysis with the help of machine learning and AI.
Nutri-Flow Oy on erikoistunut kehittämään ja tarjoamaan yksilöllistä ravintolaskentapalvelua terveydenhuollon päätöksenteon tueksi.
Ravintoainetiheyteen pohjautuva Nutri-Flow Smart Engine® yhdistää älykkäiden laskennallisten menetelmien avulla asiantuntijatietoa ja dataa. Tuloksena on yksilölliset toiveet ja rajoitteet huomioivat ravitsemussuositukset ammattilaisille. Laskenta mukautuu hoidon asettamiin vaatimuksiin. Järjestelmä käyttää koneoppimista asiantuntijatiedon syventämisen apuna.
Nutri-Flow Oy is specialized in developing and offering personalized nutrition calculation services for the decision support in healthcare.
The Nutri-Flow Smart Engine® based on the nutritional values combines the expert knowledge and data. Personalized priorities and constraints are taken into account in the resulting nutritional recommendations for healthcare professionals. The calculations adapt to the requirements of the care. The system uses machine learning in deepening the utilization of the expert knowledge.
Digious develops the next-generation software and solutions for regulated medical devices and healthcare digitalization. We are a full-service provider in all areas of regulated software and data-driven solutions design. Digious is a growing and innovative team of experts working in close cooperation with our customers to help them succeed through digital transformation.
Oululaisen NE Device SW -ohjelmistoyrityksen Vitacam-vitaaliparametrimonitori mittaa potilaan pulssia ja hengitystaajuutta hyödyntäen tietokonenäköä ja tavallisia digitaalisia kameroita.
NE Device SW are the makers of Vitacam – software that measures vital signs using a digital or smartphone camera. Founded in 2014, in Oulu, Finland, the company has worked on innovative software across health, imaging and wearables.
Mediconsult on suomalainen, vuonna 1975 perustettu sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon tietojärjestelmätoimittaja. Asiakas- ja potilastiedon, toiminnanohjauksen, omahoidon sekä sähköisen asioinnin ratkaisumme ovat käytössä yli 1500 organisaatiossa ympäri Suomen. Asiakkaisiimme kuuluu sekä julkisen että yksityisen puolen toimijoita, yksityisvastaanotoista aina sairaanhoitopiireihin asti.
IT solutions to meet the needs of healthcare, social care and elderly care organizations.
We are a Nordic high-quality eHealth solutions provider for healthcare, social care and elderly care organizations in private and public sectors. Our solutions include Hospital information systems, eHealth, telemedicine and ERP. We develop our products continuously to provide our customers with solutions that are cost-efficient and easy to use, increase competitiveness and customer commitment, and offer true value for the customer.
is a modern health-technology company, Finland. Monidor is aiming to frees up
nurse’s time for most important patient care and secure accurate IV therapy
with remote monitoring.
ProWellness Health Solutions develops innovative eHealth systems for the prevention and holistic care of chronic conditions, including, e.g., diabetes, cardiovascular and heart diseases, COPD and other chronic respiratory diseases. We offer clinical specialist systems to health services providers and a smart digitalised assisted self-management solution for patients and clinics.
Balansio (www.balansio.com) is a smart, mobile, digitalised self-care system for individuals with diabetes and other chronic conditions, under the guidance of health care professionals. Balansio incorporates automated 24/7 assistants and clinical intelligence, automates chronic care, and brings services of a clinic directly to patients' smart phones, independent of time and place.
ProWellness Chronic Diseases Management System (CDMS) is a clinical system for hospitals and community care. The system supports integrated patient care, enables identifying trends in patients' conditions and performing early interventions to prevent complications from developing, and improves monitoring the quality of care for service management.
Tarjoamme terveydenhuollon järjestelmiin integroituja ratkaisuja, jotka tukevat potilasturvallisuutta, nopeuttavat ammattilaisten työntekoa ja auttavat kohdistamaan hoito- ja tutkimustoimenpiteet oikein. Sisältömme syntyvät yhteistyössä maamme parhaiden lääketieteen, terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Varmistamme, että tutkimuksiin perustuva tieto on jokaisen ammattilaisen ja kansalaisen saatavilla.
Kustannus Oy Duodecimin omistaa Suomalainen Lääkäriseura Duodecim.
Duodecim offers integrated healthcare solutions, which promote patient safety, lets clinician achieve more during the day and assist in focusing care interventions and research measures. Our content is produced and updated by extensive team of medicine, healthcare and wellness professionals. Duodecim's mission is to bring evidence into practice for healthcare professionals and citizens alike.
Ninchat is a Finnish smart telehealth solution used by both public and private hospitals and healthcare service providers for secured chat, video consultations, bot automations and specialist alerting. Over 1M patients are consulted annually via Ninchat solution.
Heart2Save on kuopiolainen, vuonna 2015 perustettu terveysteknologiayritys, jonka ydinosaamista on älykäs rytmihäiriöntunnistus. Palvelumme mahdollistavat rytmihäiriöiden kustannustehokkaan seulonnan ja potilaan sydämen rytmin seurannan etänä luotettavasti ja aikaa säästäen.
Solita on suomalainen teknologia-, strategia-
ja designyritys. Valjastamme ihmisymmärryksen ja älykkäät teknologiaratkaisut
palvelemaan parempaa elämää. Olemme muutosvoima, joka luo uusia toimintatapoja,
palveluja ja teknologiaratkaisuja uudistaen yrityksiä ja yhteiskuntaa.
Solitalla on useita pitkäaikaisia, laajamittaisia, kumppanuuteen perustuvia
asiakkuuksia sosiaali- ja terveydenhoitosektorilla sekä julkisella sektorilla laajemmin.
Solita harnesses human insight and intelligent technologies to create health impact that lasts. We have more than 1000 employees in 6 countries, from which ~200 professionals are working in Healthcare projects every day. We combine expertise from strategic consulting to service design, software development, AI & analytics, cloud and integration services. Solita's Healthcare division is a trusted Research and Development partner in Nordics and Europe for a number of customers (e.g. DigiFinland, Finnish Institution for health and welfare, Finnish Medicine Agency, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacements). We have developed multiple national level health solutions such as Koronavilkku (a COVID-19 contact tracing app), OmaOlo (a symptoms assessment service), and various national administrative registers.
BeeHealthy is a shortcut to your digital health services. BeeHealthy is the result of a leading Nordic healthcare provider Mehiläinen's 110-year experience and know-how in healthcare – now available as a digital healthcare platform with your branding. With BeeHealthy you can open up your own digital clinic with triage, make online bookings and digitize patient journeys. Best of all, you can offer your patients 24/7 access to personalized, streamlined and comprehensive mobile health services remotely, cost efficiently and with outstanding customer experience.
Through the BeeHealthy platform, we want to help others transform how healthcare is accessed and provided around the world. We are passionate in taking this leap together – from one healthcare professional to another. Because that's the smartest thing to do.